Designed by Vita Dobson (Freelance)
Photographer: Jennika Argent
Photographer: Vita Dobson
Workshop Leader/Writer: Laura Bradshaw-Heap
Facilitator: Brent Irish Advisory Service (BIAS)
Categories: Print
Industry: Cultural
Tags: Photography
'This is me' was produced for the UK-based Jewelry designer Laura Bradshaw-Heap during the Summer of 2011.
Laura is a designer, curator and tutor. As a part of her MA she lead Jewelry workshops for Irish women from the traveller community who now reside in London, UK.
The workshops gave the women an opportunity to socialise with one another and learn new skills in a safe environment – free from discrimination.
The B5 book documents some of the pieces made by the attendees while also giving a unique insight into the hopes, dreams and opinions of an often misunderstood and marginalised community.