Designed by Jamie Murphy at The Salvage Press and Distillers Press, NCAD
Letterpress consultation: Sean Sills
Monotype casting: Phil Abel & Nick Gill
Binding: Tom Duffy
Introduction: Professor Anne Fogarty
Editor: Steve Cole
This book is based on James Joyce's 'Ulysses', his seminal modernist work. In Ulysses, Leopold Bloom's wife tells us that she would like to write a book about his quips and sayings; 'if I only could remember the one half of the things and write a book out of it'...'the works of master poldy yes'.
The book contains excerpts from the original text which are either thought of or spoken by Bloom. These are juxtaposed with texts relating directly to his surroundings. Through playful typography, the book serves to make a dense text more easily accessible. Designed, typeset and letterpress printed by hand at Distillers Press, NCAD. Types employed include newly cast 14pt Monotype Baskerville series 169 (1923), 24pt SB Granby Inline (1930), 10 line DeLittle Caslon (Mid 20th Century) and a range of wooden grotesque faces (dating from the late 19th to the mid 20th century).
390 x 275mm, 40 pages.
Bound in an edition of 120, 100 standard copies & 20 copies in a deluxe case.