no fixed form


Designed by Diarmuid Slattery at New Graphic

Curator and Designer: Gary A. Boyd

Curator and Designer: John McLaughlin

Categories: Printed Publication

Industry: Civic

Tags: Architecture

The book 'no fixed form' charts the development of the exhibition that became 'Making Ireland Modern'. First designed as 'Infra Éireann', Ireland's Entry at Venice Architectural Biennale 2014, the exhibition presented 10 ‘infrastructural episodes’ (in thee scales: the macro which referred to larger systems; the meso which dealt with the scale of the building; and micro which looks at aspects of detail) from Ireland's past century.

A modular structure was designed to house the panels that displayed each episode. The modular nature of the structure allowed the exhibition to expand to become a key strand of the Arts Councils programme ART:2016.

This book charts: the thought processes behind the curation of the exhibition; the design of the modular structure and the inspirations that drove that process.