National Architects in Schools Initiative (2018)


Designed by Colin Farmer and Aidan Moore at Unthink

Photograpaher: Ste Murray

Categories: Environmental / Exhibition

Industry: Cultural

Having worked on the identity for the National Architects

in Schools Initiative since its inception, we were delighted

to take our original typographic models to a whole new level.

The multi-layered 3-dimensional typography went from simple

cardboard models, to 2.4m high OSB plywood constructions.

The motivation was to create a spectacle for the end of year

exhibition which took place in the Apple Market in Waterford.

To make the exhibition more interactive and enjoyable for the

participants (transition year students from around the country) we left the final install to them, letting them paste up their own posters

to the walls. We took advantage of the pavilion’s mirrored ceiling,

flipping the text so it could be read 10m above people’s heads,

thus completing the text architecture transforms… LIVES.