Designed by Peter Maybury at Peter Maybury
publisher: Fondazione Galleria Civica Trento
repro and print: MM Artbook printing & repro
distributor: JRP|Ringier
Gerard Byrne
ISBN: 978-3-03764-271-9
run: 1,200
size: 300 x 290 mm landscape
extent: 60pg. + endpapers + 8pg. dustjacket and hard covers
cloth cover deboss front, black foil spine
60 pages divided into :
pp.1-12 onto Gardapat Kiara 135 grsprinted : 2/2 duotone
pp.13-24 onto Larius gloss 200grs printed : 3/3 tritone
pp.25-36 onto Gardapat Kiara 150grs printed : 3/3 duotone and PMS 1795
pp.37-48 onto Larius gloss 200grs printed 3/3 tritone
pp.49-60 onto Gardapat Kiara 150grs printed 3/3 duotone + PMS 1795
120lpi screens used throughout
2 x 4 page onto Lessebo Design white 1.3 / 120grs printed 1/1 PMS 5747 double strike
8 page dustjacket onto Larius gloss 150grs (flaps 180mm) printed 2/0 duotone
Case bound, square spine, 2.5mm board, green head and tail bands to match endpapers