Designed by Shane ODriscoll (Freelance)
Bookbinding: Duffy Bookbinders
Photography: Al Higgins
Categories: Identity / Packaging
Industry: Commercial
Tags: Retail / Rebrand / Packaging / Identity
Website: irishdesignshop.com/collections/aras
Áras is a range of homewares designed and made exclusively for Irish Design Shop. They work with skilled designers and makers across Ireland to produce an ever growing collection of affordable and innovative products for everyday use. The word Áras refers to a house of importance.
Irish Design Shop approached me to reinvigorate the Áras identity in a highly impactful rebrand. The main logo incorporates a semi circle which represents an old Irish dwelling and uses a contemporary typeface that nods to Irish heritage, while using a rich colour palette representing Ireland.
The project included new packaging labels, a shopper bag and a handmade notebook aswell as being incorporated directly on to some products. It allowed for adaptability due to the varying products and also for visual variance of the bold shapes throughout the range.